
Just another weblog

Let it rain

The guard at the library said, “They were waiting today at 2 O’Clock.  Line keeps getting longer”.

It was raining at 2pm.  And 3pm.  And 4pm when the meal started.  And straight through and after.

You have to be really hungry to stand in the pouring rain for a hot plate of food.

You have to be desperate to wait hours for help getting an ID card.

Today was one of those days where the magnitude of what we showed up in puddles.

A soaked man in a wheel chair.  3 women with their 3 drenched children.  Over 150 came out with needs that obviously couldn’t be met on dryer ground.

One guy was having a hard time talking because the rain was dodging his hat, pelting his face sideways, his mouth literally filling with water.

And we have had colder days and even rainier.  But never with the crowd we had today.  Desperation.  And even with all those that we were able to help, and being soaked myself, I was mostly unmoved by it all.

350 hot dogs + 45 pounds of pasta + 150 pb&j sanwiches + desserts +110 checks… a flash flood.  Still, it wasn’t until the car was loaded and I had scanned the Free Library’s documentary section that I was struck by it.  As I walked out of the Library towards the area where we had just served the meal, I glanced and saw the vacant look of a man sitting soaked on the floor.  Though we see thousands a year, the loneliness of that moment resonated.  It was one of those storms where if you had a safe dry place to go, you would have been there.  And he just sat there in the library corridor.  Alone.  Nowhere to go.

And it is in those moments where I am reminded that what we do is more than a program.  If only for a little while, he had a place to be with others.  We didn’t solve his problems or remove his pain, but we filled his hunger spot.

There is no end to the need.  Even Jesus said, “you will always have the poor among you.”  That clearly isn’t a call to ignore poverty…..but to make sure that the poor are “among” us.

March 23, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment


2009 FOOD TOTAL—$5993.22

2009 ID TOTAL—$50,854.44
2009 deficit = $14,646.58.
For 2010 I am asking people to sponsor a plate of food, or a week’s meal, or an ID, or something else.

A lot can get lost in the numbers, we are asking people to consider each man, woman, and child.  And to sponsor what you are able to.

2010 projections:

$1 plate of food

$12 for an ID

$28 for a driver’s license

$220 for an entire week’s meal.  (Feeds 200-300)

$916 for an entire week’s ID program (helps about 90 men, women, and children take a step towards independence)
Please come and visit.

The men, women, and children are the strongest testimonies that we have.

January 26, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Today, 10-12-09

It is easy to get lost in the numbers game.
7 years.
100,000 hot dogs.
10,000 pounds of pasta.
25,000 pb&j’s.

We have to remind ourselves that on the other end of every plate, there is someone who can’t afford to eat.
Someone who is lost, lonely, and at times desperate.
And though we will never end the cycle of poverty, we are responsible to each one.
Today was one of those days that reminded me about the critical value of our work.
We helped a young newly homeless woman get into a shelter while some city men lied to her that she could not.  They tried to get her to leave the area with them.  A homeless man let one of our volunteers know, and I believe a disaster was avoided.

Sometimes there are no words.  The stories that emerge in our Monday talks have a place only in fiction….but they are true stories.
Stories of heartbreak and loss.  And deep loneliness and brokenness.
Surely we will never solve this problem.
But we will continue to feed the hungry.   To pray with the man who just lost his family in a car accident.
To be the people the Bible promises when it says that, “God places the lonely in families.”
This is not easy work, but there is no other way.
Thank you for linking arms with us.

October 13, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Mondays, 4PM, 19th and Vine, (Philadelphia Free Library)

Love thy neighbor as thyself (Matthew 19:19)
Restart is a 501c3 non-profit that serves the homeless in Philadelphia. We are a Christian group. We serve hundreds of meals a week. We help thousands obtain proper ID and driver’s licenses each year. Sometimes I get overwhelmed. Over $3000 a month. Much out of my pocket. Sometimes I want to drop off the food and run away. But Fila has been inside for 5 years. Buck got married August 12th (2006) and bought a house. Dorothy, praise the Lord, has an apartment.  The Hollands were reunited with their kids. Keith got a driver’s license. Calvin got a hug and prayer. And the hungry guy ate. And so much more.
It is worth it….but I need help.

We have a wondeful team of volunteers.  But our needs have grown.  And we are asking you to sponsor someone.  Each ID is $12.  Every driver’s license is $28.  Each Monday meal is over $100.   All of the money goes to the homeless.  And please pray for us

April 15, 2006 Posted by | Uncategorized | 21 Comments

Loving thy neighbor. A ministry to the homeless

Adam and friend

Many of these men and women were born into a cycle of poverty. Raised in the projects. They were forgotten children…..and are now ignored as adults.

Let use remember how blessed we are. For those of us who have more than we need, let’s not forget about those who don’t have enough.

April 15, 2006 Posted by | Uncategorized | 7 Comments


If you have never met a homeless man or woman, you might be shocked. These are helpable people. They are sports fans. They care about looking nice. They debate politics. They read the newspapers. They pray. Some of them have kids. Some of their families have no idea they are outside.

They were once children with dreams and now are adults who need help.

Some of these men are very funny. Top 3 I’ve heard.

q: Where do you live?

a: I’m in an abandominium (deserted house)

q: How bad is it sleeping outside?

a: It’s great. Year round air conditioning.

q: Adam, do you know what the greatest nation in the world is?
DO-nation. Can I have a dollar?

I didn’t give that guy a dollar, but I’m asking you to consider giving Resart a few of yours.

Our non-profit status comes through the South Jersey Youth Alliance. ( check them out.

Checks would be made out to “SJYA: RESTART”. And sent to:

Adam Bruckner

Philadelphia Kixx

3601 S. Broad.

Philadelphia PA 19148.


many thank yous


can't fake cold and wet

This guy has the worlds worst umbrella.

Some think that the homeless are lazy scammers. You cannot fake cold, wet, hungry.

Remember, homeless not helpless. Is this the image you have of a homeless man? This is reality in Philadelphia.

Homeless men have the best nicknames.  (Peanut, Chin, Shorty).  Last Christmas we were given some tickets to a 76’ers game. For some it was their first pro sports game. For others, the first since they were kids. (Note to viewers and children: Santa Clause is not homeless).

April 15, 2006 Posted by | Uncategorized | 3 Comments