
Just another weblog

Mondays, 4PM, 19th and Vine, (Philadelphia Free Library)

Love thy neighbor as thyself (Matthew 19:19)
Restart is a 501c3 non-profit that serves the homeless in Philadelphia. We are a Christian group. We serve hundreds of meals a week. We help thousands obtain proper ID and driver’s licenses each year. Sometimes I get overwhelmed. Over $3000 a month. Much out of my pocket. Sometimes I want to drop off the food and run away. But Fila has been inside for 5 years. Buck got married August 12th (2006) and bought a house. Dorothy, praise the Lord, has an apartment.  The Hollands were reunited with their kids. Keith got a driver’s license. Calvin got a hug and prayer. And the hungry guy ate. And so much more.
It is worth it….but I need help.

We have a wondeful team of volunteers.  But our needs have grown.  And we are asking you to sponsor someone.  Each ID is $12.  Every driver’s license is $28.  Each Monday meal is over $100.   All of the money goes to the homeless.  And please pray for us

April 15, 2006 - Posted by | Uncategorized


  1. This blog is awesome. And I think you’ve hit it on the head: the difference between the homeless and the “housed impoverished” is often the lack of family, social fabric, and safety net that we all rely upon. If that social fabric is torn – or if it never existed – then rebounding from a fall becomes very, very difficult. I wish you well with your selfless efforts.

    Comment by matthew bulman | April 25, 2006 | Reply

  2. Hooray for what you are doing Adam!


    UWGB “Bay Badger” soccer ’70

    I will send a check and attempt to pass your story along.

    Comment by Rick Riehl | June 3, 2006 | Reply

  3. Was greatly encouraged by the article written in UWGB alumni magazine.
    Praise God for your work…
    and His blessings up it.
    Lois Ney UWGB ’83

    Comment by Lois Ney | June 6, 2006 | Reply

  4. congradulations adam….
    I am proud of the work you are doing. To bad you could have been part of the Fireside back at uwgb with us, you would have been an asset. I will send as much as I can and pass your story along to others. Keep touching people’s lives because you might be amazed as to who remembers you.
    local uwgb artist ’97

    Comment by heather schema | June 13, 2006 | Reply

  5. Hi Adam – sorry it took me so long to respond with a check, but it’ll be in the mail to you tomorrow. I feel certain that our Lord is smiling down on you – indeed, how could He not! You’ve found a unique and positive way to help beyond a daily handout, PTL! Our church is in the same area once a month, 3rd Saturday in the morning. Praise God for combined efforts!

    Comment by Janet Medrow | July 28, 2006 | Reply

  6. Bruck–I just got to your article in the G.B. alumni mag, but saw the ESPN article when it came out. This is great, I don’t agree with you thinking we would be surprised with your strong faith and new outlook. All who played with you would agree that your positive outlook and strong faith in the “NIXX” would certainly lead to great things. Keep up the hard work and keep in touch! URBS

    Comment by ERIC | August 23, 2006 | Reply

  7. Hi Adam! I was excited about how God brought us together this summer, my friend Danielle and I drove you a check and met you and your helpers earlier this year. Then I talked to you at the bridge this past week and was so inspired to keep helping and put my faith into action that i decided to use my workplace as a venue for fundraising!
    I am a hairstylist in Kennett Square PA. I put your postcard and a decorated box right on my station at work and am telling everyone that im collecting 100% of my tips for the months of November and December to donate to RESTART! so far I have really been blessed to be able to talk faith with clients who have always known I am a christian, but now are able to join me in living it. Helping our neighbors this holiday season.

    Comment by amy | November 13, 2006 | Reply

  8. Bruks,
    Poggi here! Relocating from New Orleans (post-storm). Keep up the strength and vision! No surprise here.


    “It’s easy to be a Holy Man when you live ontop of the Mountain”

    Comment by David Poggi | April 3, 2007 | Reply

  9. I have known Adam for a while and am so proud of how many lives he has touched. I love him like a brother and will continue to pray for him every day.

    Comment by Matt | July 4, 2007 | Reply

  10. I was recently told of a program that gives homeless persons a check to get ID. my research lead me to find that this is true. the problem is the check is made out to Florida Vital records. if you send for the ID you are told that they only taken money orders. and the check comes back. I work in a dual diagnosis treatment center and a number of person could benefeit from something like this but the question is how do you exspect the client who have no ID to turn the check into a money order when the check is made out to Florida Vital Records, is this some kind of scam? how does this help the person in need?

    Comment by Ted M. | January 8, 2008 | Reply

  11. Praise God for the difference he is making in your community through you. Man that is just awesome!!! While I don’t have any funds to send, I will be in prayer for you, your ministry, and the people that you helping. God bless you brother and keep looking up.

    Comment by Adam Byars | February 13, 2009 | Reply

  12. Hi Adam hope all is well with you, you certainly are a “good Samaritan” and a real blessing to the street-people as well as to others who read your story, God can bless us in so many different ways, keep up the good work the Lord has started in you and I will be sending you a donation to you, it reminds me of the story in the bible how the Lord multiplied the fishes and the loaves and it seems that is what he is doing with you ministry, the Lord’s blessings on you……Bill

    Comment by Bill Crowe | February 19, 2009 | Reply

  13. God bless you!! I’m praying that “goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life and you will live in the house of the Lord forever.”

    Again, God bless you!

    Comment by Shirma | February 22, 2009 | Reply

  14. Hello Adam. Just wanted to thank-you for all that you do for these men and women.

    Proverbs 22:9 Happy is the generous man, the one who feeds the poor.

    Comment by Heather | February 26, 2009 | Reply

  15. May the Lord bless you and your ministry.

    Comment by Heather | February 26, 2009 | Reply

  16. Hey Adam,

    This is an old friend here – Joe Angelo. I’m not quite sure how I stumbled upon your blog tonight. I just wanted to say thank you once again for all you did for me, and for my mother. I doubt the truth would have ever been known, and she would have been long gone before I even knew what happened, had you not intervened. You worked tirelessly to see that justice was served – and you succeeded.

    A mother’s soul now rests in peace, and a son has found closure because of you. I will never forget you. You are a blessed man, and I am ever-grateful you cared enough to make a difference.

    Comment by Joe Angelo | February 28, 2009 | Reply

  17. Adam is a great guy.

    Comment by Jonny | March 18, 2009 | Reply

  18. Are you still cative. It seems like this hasn’t been updated in 3 years. Can you let me know? Thanks…

    Comment by Dale Plummer | April 3, 2009 | Reply

  19. My bad-I was only reading the top entries-thinking they were not chronological mvoing down. Glad to hear things are going well with the outreach. You shared with our FCA group 3 years ago and we were thinking about you. Perhaps you could come share with us again sometime? Take care and God Bless,

    Dale Plummer

    Comment by Dale Plummer | April 3, 2009 | Reply

  20. Adam, Karl D. and Dorothy V. will be in Philly on Aug, 25th. we arrive around 3:00 at the downtown Marriot. Is there a chance we could meet; perhaps help serve food at the libary, and take you out to dinner that night? We will be there for a week but things will get a little hectic for a portion of each day starting Thursday.
    I am a Mason and we are going to be meeting to confer the 33rd degree on some of our brothers.
    Let me know if meeting is possible.
    We love you and keep you in our prayers.
    How about Spain?!
    Karl D.

    Comment by Rev. Karl D. Schimpf | July 12, 2010 | Reply

  21. Reblogged this on Tuesday Afternoon Homeless Project and commented:
    Love thy neighbor as thyself. – Matthew 19:19

    Comment by nancybragin | April 29, 2014 | Reply

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